Enrollment Options




  • Weekly video lessons
  • 1-on-1 coaching available
  • Custom mobile app
  • Text and email reminders
  • No long-term contract
  • Cancel at any time
  • Journal sold separately




  • Weekly video lessons
  • Discounted 1-on-1 coaching
  • Exclusive group coaching calls
  • ServeWell Academy Journal
  • Monthly accountability quizzes
  • Interviews with prior students
  • Exclusive resource library
  • Custom mobile app
  • Text and email reminders
  • No long-term contract




  • 1-on-1 coaching
  • 24/7/365 access
  • Service Academies
  • ROTC programs
  • Highly-selective colleges
  • Custom planning software
  • Limited spots (5 per year)

Basic Plan

A self-directed plan for students (and families) seeking foundational advice to help them succeed in the service academy and ROTC admissions process. This program is best for families with some familiarity with the process and who have ample time for research, follow-up, and project management. The weekly videos, text message reminders, and convenient mobile app will keep you on the path and pointed in the right direction. If you encounter an issue that requires additional help, feel free to schedule a 1-on-1 consultation with me ($300/hr). I highly recommend purchasing the companion Journal to support the lessons over the course of the year. ($20/month)

VIP Plan

A collaborative approach for families seeking additional support, resources, priority access to me, tailored advice, and continuity of guidance beyond the weekly video curriculum.

The VIP Plan includes:

  • foundational weekly video lessons
  • companion Journal ($50 value)
  • private resource library
  • email/text reminders
  • custom mobile app

Exclusive group coaching calls. This plan offers ongoing support to ensure your child (and family) remains engaged, proactive, and accountable. This includes access to monthly group coaching calls (typically for parents) where we share questions, concerns, and advice. I personally host these monthly calls, provide answers to burning questions, and lay out expectations for the month ahead. These sessions are recorded in case you are unavailable to make the live session. Feel free to play, pause, fast forward, or rewind the recording at your pace and convenience.

Exclusive interviews. Listen to Phil interview prior ServeWell students who are succeeding at the Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, West Point, Coast Guard Academy and ROTC programs at Yale, MIT, UPENN, Duke, Cal Berkeley, and more. These ServeWellers will share their personal experiences, insights, and lessons learned during their unique journeys.  

Monthly accountability quizzes. These short, online, multiple-choice quizzes at the end of each month will assess how much of the material the student is retaining. A passing score (80%) on 12 consecutive quizzes earns the student a complimentary 30-min, 1-on-1 consultation with me ($75 value).

Discounted 1-on-1 coaching. Families who want additional 1-on-1 advice specific to their particular child or situation, will receive a 50% discount ($150/hr) off my standard consulting fee of $300/hr. These sessions can be scheduled with the student only, student and parent(s), or just the parent(s). These sessions will also be recorded and made available to you for reference afterward.

Resource library. Exclusive member access to a library full of links to the most updated websites, forums, student-recommended applications, helpful videos, templates, workout protocols, sample essays, mock interview scripts, and much more.  

Maximum flexibility. There is no mandatory "package" or minimum number of required coaching hours. There is no deadline to enroll. You have 100% flexibility. Some families need very little assistance. Other families like to have quarterly "check-ins". Some families ramp up to monthly or even weekly sessions during crunch time. It's completely up to you. If you have everything under control - great. If you need a little (or a lot) of support to get over the hump - that's okay, too. Most families don't know what they need until they begin their journey, and it's nice to have someone in your corner at all times. In my 12 years of experience, I have found this arrangement to be the most affordable, efficient, and effective.

Traditional college counseling expertise. Earning an ROTC scholarship is just the first step to a successful ROTC experience. Students must then match their ROTC scholarship with a college of their choice. This is a very important step. I have been a college admissions consultant for 12 years and have helped students get admitted to colleges of all selectivity levels. My last cohort of ROTC students have been admitted to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, Duke, UCLA, and many more. Why earn an ROTC scholarship if you can't match it with a college that suits you? I'm here to help you finish the job with the best possible outcome. And, yes, that includes essay review and feedback.

This program is for engaged families who understand what's at stake, appreciate flexibility and control, want to leave no stone unturned, and are ready to put their best foot forward from the start. ($40/month)

Private Plan

Work directly with me in this all-inclusive, soup-to-nuts plan that covers every aspect of the admissions process for service academies, ROTC programs, and highly-selective traditional colleges. Learn more about the plan HERE. Most students whom I accept into this plan have been ServeWellers since freshman or sophomore year and are well-acquainted with the materials. If selected, any monthly subscription costs incurred from the Basic or VIP Plans will be credited toward the cost of the Private Plan. Limited to 5 spots. ($15,000/student)